Are you suffering through a loss or life-changing event and feeling alone?

Most people who are mourning wake up one day and find that the people around them are all busy.

They’ve moved on with their lives and expect you to “get back to normal.”

They don’t understand what you need.

Do you need support and a safe space to talk about how you really feel?

Though often well-meaning, platitudes like "everything happens for a reason" don't often help, but grief coaching can.

Do your friends and family feel you should accept and be over it by now?

That’s not the way grief works.

Some of the common areas that I’ve coached and helped people in with Human Design Grief Coaching:

  • Death of a loved one- sudden or expected

  • The ending of a relationship

  • Loss of ability due to health or injury

  • Loss of a dream

  • Separation from family

  • A devastating diagnosis

  • Anticipatory grief

  • Loss of identity

  • The changing of seasons of life and letting go of who you once were

  • Pregnancy loss

  • Loss of a job or career path

  • Loss of the shape or ability of the body you were used to living in

  • Parents grieving the life they thought their child would have and who they thought they’d grow to be

  • Sexuality

  • Gender identity

  • Career

  • Addictions

  • Are you grieving a loved one’s life that is different than you expected?

Book a session

You may feel like your mind is stuck in a loop.


You may feel like your mind and emotions are all over the place.

And it’s okay.

There is no one right way to grieve.

If you feel like:

☑️ You can’t stop thinking about your loss….

☑️ You are stuck on repeat and want to see things with a new perspective.

☑️ You “should” be over it by now.

☑️ You’re on an emotional roller coaster.

☑️ There’s a restlessness in you that you can’t quite explain to most of the people in your life.

☑️ You keep repeating patterns in your relationships and are tired of it.

☑️ Your life has been turned upside down, and you don’t know what’s next.

☑️ You’re stuck between where you are and where you want to be in life.

☑️ You’re burnt out on going through the motions and experiencing more of the same daily.

☑️ You’re tired of others telling you what you should/shouldn’t do.

If you find yourself nodding yes to any of these statements, I can help.

  • "Aypril is insightful and handles sessions with care while offering clear reflections that I needed to see and hear, and somehow doing it in a gentle enough way that I'm able to receive it. Aypril has a dynamic approach. She is gifted. I am so grateful that she has found a way to offer her gifts to the world."

    ~ Cedar Schimke

  • "She was able to show me things about my chart that I hadn't seen. She also ran another chart using the date of my MS diagnosis. This was incredibly helpful and I intend to explore it further."

    ~ Misty Skaggs

  • "Aypril Porter provides a safe, compassionate, judgment-free space to share whatever comes up. For me, sharing my personal feelings and emotions is very difficult, but Aypril navigated my pain with loving care and deeply empathetic curiosity."

    ~ Guin

There’s nothing wrong with you for wondering, wishing, or hoping that things were different.

There’s nothing wrong with you needing to talk about the feelings you’re going through every chance you get.

It’s also common to try and avoid them.

To grieve in a healthy way is messy. It’s full of emotional ups and downs and feels out of control at times. I’ll help you learn to embrace where you are and process your emotions rather than suppress them. Suppressing emotions can lead to them surprising you later in life (often at the most inconvenient times).

Whether you’re dealing with an illness yourself, supporting someone else at the end of their life, or if you lost someone suddenly or after a long illness, I can help.

With a long background in the medical, health, and wellness fields, as well as experience coaching hundreds and hundreds of clients over the years and having lived through my fair share of events, I bring deep compassion to your coaching session.

I give you a space to be heard, tell your story, and give you tools to help you make sense of what is happening to you in this process, so you can move forward when you’re ready. We will go at your speed.

Phases of Grief Work with Aypril

Phase One



In this phase, you feel everything so deeply. Highs, lows, and everything in between. In this phase, I sit with you as you explore all the feelings, emotions, and thoughts that you experience. There is no judgment or push to move you past them. We sit with them, explore them, and allow them to be present. While acceptance and acknowledgment of what you feel are crucial to your ability to continue moving forward in your grieving process, this phase lasts as long as it lasts for you. There is no expectation of when you will be ready for phase two. We go at your pace with the support you need.

Phase Two



In the second phase, you will begin reconnecting with the things that were important to you before and explore how your interests and priorities may have shifted. In this phase, we’ll explore your unique Human Design to help you ground into the understanding of who you uniquely are. We’ll explore your values and how your loss may have changed your outlook on life.

You’ll continue to gain tools for navigating your grief as it comes up and become more resilient.

Phase Three



In the third phase, you will focus on creating and implementing your goals for how you want to live your life in a way that aligns with your purpose and heart.

Grief and emotions may still come up in this phase. Grief is not something you just “get over”, but you continuously move through and learn to live with it. It’s a journey, but not a destination to get to the other side of it. There is no finish line. You’ll learn to use the tools we worked with in phase two to be with your emotions and not let them stop you from living fully after your loss. Your grief will soften, and you’ll learn to be in a relationship with it.

There is no pressure to move through these processes in any timeframe. Sometimes phases overlap.

Also important to note is that your grieving will not be “over” when you move through phase three. You will find a new relationship to your grief and have the tools to allow it to be present without overwhelming or keeping you from living your life.